![]() Its was 6am when i awoke the day of our escape from the infamous BNSF 1000 mile break inspection, sly fox and little bird still layed asleep but my nerves were so thin sleep was the farthest thought from me. Today was our day, i knew the stories and consequences of immediate jail time. This was no regular yard, this was Havre. Soon day break began to roll in and with the skys grey and the sun nowhere in sight we geared up for the cold rain as it was just shy of 30 degrees. Soon sly and bird woke up and we made our way into position. With each train came a thourough and slow inspection of every single car. Back to front and front to back...twice. We let a few trains pass as our nerves climbed higher until finaly we decided to commit. The next one was ours. It wasnt but 45 minutes till our westbound pulled in, i could feel my jeart racing through my shirt, to be able to distinguish the nervous sweat from the cold rain running down my forehead. We sat quietly with the scanner on low. Sly fox first spotted our pickers and pointed them out. Border patrol rolled down the train to get in position to inspect our train and sure enough right after the train master gave the signal to begin their long thorough check. With sporatic spotlighting on both sides the pickers began their inspection car by car all the way to the front and all the way back to where they started. This took about hour or longer with us sitting in the rain anxiously waiting our short window. Soon the pickers passed us once more, it was their last time. This was it. As we creeped closer to the tracks and the pickers slowly drove away car by car we hit our break and ran for the 2 closest cars to us. With little bird and sly taking the first and myself on the second my heart was ready to explode i jumped in and immediatly layed down. With my mouth dry and my head spinning i anxiously layed quiet with the scanner against my ear waiting but...nothing the radio stayed silent. I decided to peak over and see what was going on and sure enough, BNSF police slowly driving our way. ![]() Quickly weighing my options i decided to lay back down and not move a mussle. Laying...waiting and nervous. I could hear him approaching the breaks locked. Hes stopped. Just 4 or so cars from me. As soon as i thought it was over our train began to air up. The train master came over the radio. Bnsf westbound all clear inspection complete have a good trip boys. Just then our train kicked and we were moving, slowly i began to raise my head up again into a sitting position. With content slowly working its way in i began to gear up for the cold weather ahead. We made it and soon enough we were in the welcoming hands of Whitefish. Cold and accomplished i packed what little weed i had into a small pipe and began to once again....relax.
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6/30/2017 02:10:58 am
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